Thursday, May 18, 2006

Public Meeting - May 22nd - London


At 12:11 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your voice is getting accross ya Ahmed. I believe it's because of you guys protesting abroad and gaining public attention that the Egyptian Government is not able to condemn the brave Judges and oppress them. It is the first time since decades that the Egyptian public (back home and abroad) are gathered on one defined issue and demands regardless of political inclinations. You are hitting bulls eye! I'm more jealous than ever for not being able to take part in this!

At 6:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a note on the Eglish lady you mention. That is Chanie Rosenburg, a lifelong activist and anti-Zionist. In her youth she and her husband, Tony Cliff (founder of the Socialist Workers Party) fought to unite Jewish and Arab workers in Palestine. After Cliff was imprisoned by the British mandate authorities they fled to London (I believe in 1947).

She now sepnds her time montoring Israeli checkpoints.


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