"You can tell whether a man is clever by his answers. You can tell whether a man is wise by his questions.” Naguib Mahfouz
His imaginary characters imposed themselves as a reality on my life... umm... 'imposed' is not the right word... i happily embrassed them into my world... or maybe they embrassed me to their world... actually i can no longer differentiate between my world and their world..... i saw myself residing within all his stories and his characters belonged to the world around me. His words filled many gaps in my vocabulary, his sentences carried the essence of my relationship with Egypt's air... with its soil... with its buildings...
i lost a teacher....
a teacher of life... of history... and of humanity...
Send a note of appreciation and admiration to the family that helped this man nourish us with his words, thoughts, and dreams. If you feel there is something you want to tell them or there is something you want to thank them for -wherever you're living and whatever your nationality is- then put your note as a comment below before the 15th of September and it will be sent as part of a letter from all those who are thankful for his family for helping him give us the best of his intellect. This is the very least we could do.
Please include your email in the note to be notified upon the delivery of the letter.